Home Improvement Tips With Siding Replacement


You can never go wrong with siding replacement when looking for the best home improvement tips. Siding is an important part of your house and plays a major role in keeping it safe from the elements. It also helps to keep your home looking good and up to code.

If you have old siding starting to rot or fade from exposure over time, then this will cause damage to your house’s exterior walls. When this happens, water can get behind the siding and start rotting out wood framing underneath and wood doors and windowsills inside your home.

Here are some signs that you might need to replace your siding:

  • The color is faded or gray in spots
  • The wood feels brittle and flaky when touched
  • You notice wood rot on the bottom edge of the siding boards

How to Get Rid of Old Sidings?

If you have cracked, faded, or warped old siding. There are a few steps you can take to get rid of it and replace it with new siding that will last for years.

  1. First, remove all the nails holding in the old siding using a pry bar or flathead screwdriver.
  2. Use a reciprocating saw to cut through any sections of siding still attached at the bottom or top so you can remove them completely without damaging your new siding installation.
  3. Remove all debris left over after removing the old siding so that it doesn’t mix with your new materials.
  4. Install new shingles: When the weather is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, shingles are more likely to adhere properly. Cold weather conditions may cause shingles to move around too much and cause them not to adhere properly). You’ll need enough shingles for each side of your house or building. Depending on its size (usually one roll per 1 square foot).

If you want to avoid this type of problem altogether with minimal effort involved on your part (and without having to worry about spending too much money), then consider hiring a professional contractor who specializes in siding replacement right away!