Signs You Might Need a Roof Replacement

Have you heard of this statement that says your leaky roof can waste up to 30% of your house’s cooling and heating energy? In this case, you would have been paying higher utility bills and living less efficiently. If you live in a house in San Antonio with a leaky roof, you must face scorching summers and unpredictable weather conditions. Right?

Keeping your home’s roof should be your priority if you have suffered from unexpected utility bills over the last few months. But how do you know that it’s a good time to consider a roof replacement cost in San Antonio? This guide will educate you about the signs you must consider before replacing a roof. This way, you can address the issue beforehand and protect your home from the bigger problem.

Common Signs of Roof Damage

Prior research is the key to the righteous decision that can save you from breaking the bank over a wrong option. Following are some of the signs you must consider before you partner with a roof replacement provider.

1.    Visible damage to shingles

  • Missing shingles expose your roof deck to rain and sun.
  • Cracked or curled shingles lose their protective layer.
  • Brittle shingles break easily and lose their water resistance.
  • Moss growth on shingles traps moisture and can lead to further problems.

2.    Signs of leaks or water damage:

  • Water stains on ceilings or walls, especially near the roofline.
  • Unexplained mold growth on ceilings or walls.
  • Blistering or peeling paint near the roofline.
  • Visible water dripping from the ceiling or walls.

3.    Interior signs of roof problems:

  • Sagging ceilings suggest water damage has weakened the structure.
  • Uneven walls can indicate water damage affecting the framing.
  • Unexplained increases in energy bills may be due to compromised insulation.
  • Increased presence of pests like rodents or insects can be attracted to moisture.

Specific Considerations for San Antonio Residents

If you are living in San Antonio, you must be aware of the weather this city comes with. From scorching sun to occasional hail storms, it throws off everything on your roof.  This weather puts too much stress on your roof instead of other places. However, regular inspection and attention to detail are the key to protecting your roof from more extensive damage.  If you notice enough damage, you must call a roof installation company that is an expert in what they offer. The service provider will inspect and integrate the right material to protect your roof with whatever mother nature throws off.

Time to Take Action: What to Do if You See Signs of Roof Damage?

Did you notice any sign mentioned earlier in this guide? If so, reach out to the best roofing companies in San Antonio. You must be thinking of the roof replacement cost in San Antonio. Right? Well, the final price of the roof replacement depends on several factors, including the size of the area, the quality you are choosing, and much more. You can contact CR Builder now for a premium quality experience without breaking the bank. We assure the customer’s satisfaction, high-end material, and expert installation.